The Law Offices of Lourdes Sánchez, P.C. is principally located in Eugene, Oregon. The attorneys at this firm are licensed to practice law in the State of Oregon. Accordingly, any and all information provided on this website reflect the laws of the State of Oregon and not any other state. Please be advised that the intended use of this website is for informational purposes, and, by no means, is intended to substitute legal advice of a competent attorney. Again, the materials on this website do not constitute legal advice. Legal advice can only be given once a full understanding of the specific circumstances of the prospective client’s potential case are known.
Receiving or sending information via our website does not constitute that an attorney-client relationship has been formed. This website is not an offer to represent you. An attorney-client relationship is intended and once both an attorney at the Law Offices of Lourdes Sánchez, P.C. and the prospective client signs a retainer agreement. It is also important to note, the law is constantly changing, therefore, the information contained on this site may or may not reflect the most current case law and/or legal developments. Accordingly, information on this site is not promised or guaranteed to be correct or complete.
Please do not provide confidential information via our website. All transmission of confidential information should be arranged beforehand with an attorney.